Sunday, October 06, 2013

Hai….korang sume….tentu seronok berhari minggu ni kan, baru balik jogging ker…pastu apalagi…nasi lemak sebungkus….hehehe, kalau camtu, penat ajelah korang berjogging tadi kan….Tapi ape nak buatkan….rezeki jangan ditolak…iyer dak??

Pepagi Ahad ni aku ada terbaca satu artikel berkenaan cara nak kuruskan badan. Tentu korang2 yang baca ni teruja kan macamana nak kuruskan badan. Aku tak tahulah kenapa perempuan suka sangat kurus2 ni. Bagi akulah….elok jer Nampak tembam sume…terserlah kecomelan dia…..hehehe.

Ye laa….tapi jangan laa pulak berat melebihi paras normal. Bagi aku plak Cuma nak maintain jer, tak nak terlalu kurus atau gemuk. Korang plak camane? Setuju tak apa aku kata? Nak Nampak menarik ni biarlah sederhana…tak perlulah menonjol sangat kan….

Bagi aku yang sederhana ni…tak kisah sangat bab2 berat badan ni. Mungkin kot sebab belum kahwin lagi. Nanti esok2 kalau dah kahwin, baru laa aku ambik perhatian yang lebih sikit…hehehe.  Ah…tak kisah lah berat korang banyak mana….yang penting korang sihat. Jom baca artikel yang aku jumpa ni....

Salah satu cara nak menguruskan badan ialah dengan memakan buah Limau Bali ni.... tapi aku suka panggil Limau Tambun sebab nama tempat aku laa...hehehe...

 Camni laa rupa buah Limau Bali ni....


Hampir semua orang kenal buah limau bali. Isi buahnya yang segar dan banyak mengandungi air, boleh terus dimakan setelah dikupas atau sebagai campuran salad maupun rojak. Buah limau bali [bahasa Inggeris: Pomelo) bermanfaat bagi kesihatan. Kandungan pektinnya lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan limau jenis lain. Pektin inilah yang dipercayai mampu menurunkan kolesterol sekaligus mengurangi risiko sakit jantung.

Fakta Ringkas Limau Bali
Nama Tempatan: Limau Bali, Limau Besar atau Limau Tambun
Nama Saintifik: Citras grandis Osbeck
Keluarga: Rutaceae
Asal: Limau bali berasal dari asia tenggara. Penanamannya didapati meluas di Indonesia, China dan Thailand.
Kawasan Utama Tanaman: Di Malaysia, limau bali banyak ditanam di Perak, Kedah, Melaka, Kelantan dan Johor.
Kegunaan: Ia biasanya dimakan segar atau diproses menjadi jus.

Khasiat dan Manfaat
Buahnya yang berwarna putih (ada yang merah) dapat dijadikan manisan setelah dibuang bahagian kulit luarnya yang banyak mengandung kelenjar minyak. Di Vietnam, bunganya yang harum digunakan untuk membuat minyak wangi ( perfume ). Bukan hanya itu, kayunya juga sering dimanfaatkan untuk membuat perkakas alat dapur.

Buah limau bali amat bermanfaat menurunkan kolesterol dan melawan penyakit jantung.Selain itu, limau bali juga baik untuk kesihatan gusi kerana kadar vitamin C-nya tinggi. Hal ini dibuktikankan oleh pengkaji di Universiti Friedrich Schiller, Jerman, yang menemukan kaitan kesihatan gusi pada mereka yang banyak makan buah limau bali.

Penelitian melibatkan 58 responden yang mengalami kerosakan gusi yang cukup parah. Kenyataannya, limau bali membawa kesan positif setelah dimakan setiap hari selama dua minggu. Bahkan, kesan positif itu juga berlaku bagi perokok maupun bukan perokok. Seperti diketahui merokok adalah salah satu penyebab utama kerusakan gusi.

Manfaat lain limau bali, ianya mampu membersihkan sel darah merah yang telah tua di dalam tubuh dan menormalkan hematokrit (percentage sel darah per volume darah). Sekaligus sebagai sumber antioksidan bagi penyakit kanser.

Selain dimakan buahnya, limau bali sering diolah dalam bentuk jus. Semasa membuat jus, korang boleh mencampur limau bali dengan bahan atau buah lainnya, sehingga rasanya jadi lebih nikmat.

Sumber vitamin C dan menurunkan kolesterol
Makan dua “ruang” (ruang dalam buah) limau bali ukuran sedang setiap hari untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya secara maksima.

Minuman antioksidan dan antikanser
Ambil satu biji limau bali ukuran sedang yang telah dikupas dan dibuang isinya. Masukkan ke dalam blender, tambahkan air secukupnya. Boleh juga ditambahkan satu sudu teh madu dan buah lainnya seperti mangga atau pir.

Cara lain, ambil satu biji limau bali ukuran sedang yang telah dikupas dan dibuang isinya, dan 1 cm halia yang telah dibuang kulitnya. Masukkan seluruh bahan tersebut ke blender dengan ditambah sedikit air.

Potong-potong bahagian kulit limau bali (kulit luarnya dibuang) berbentuk kiub, rebus dengan api kecil selama 60 minit. Buang air rebusannya, tapiskannya, lalu ditimbang. Siapkan gula pasir sama beratnya dengan berat kulit limau yang telah direbus.

Masukkan kulit limau bali yang telah direbus dalam periuk, tambah air hingga terendam seluruhnya, tambahkan gula pasir. Rebus di atas api kecil sambil sesekali dikacau sampai menjadi sirap pekat. Angkat, biarkan kulit limau tetap terendam dalam sirap semalaman.
Esoknya, masak lagi di atas api kecil hingga sirap gula hampir habis. Keluarkan kulit limau dari sirap, hamparkan di atas nyiru, jemur hingga setengah kering. Potong-potong kecil panjang, masukkan ke dalam bekas tertutup. Agar tahan lama (1 bulan), simpan di dalam almari.

Selain dimakan begitu sahaja, manisan kulit, limau bali boleh dicampurkan ke dalam adunan kek, terutama untuk menggantikan manisan yang lain atau kulit limau purut. Manisan kulit limau yang dicampur manisan kering buah-buahan akan memperkaya cita rasa fruitcake.

Perokok juga dianjurkan untuk makan buah limau bali dua “ruang” (ruang dalam buah) setiap hari. Peningkatan kadar vitamin C di dalam darah mampu memperbaiki jaringan yang rosak, bahkan kanser, disebabkan ketidakstabilnya molekul radikal bebas kerana rokok dan polusi udara.

Buah ni ada dua jenis warna iaitu putih dan merah....tapi aku tak perasan plak waktu makan dia...keh3

Haa...yang ni plak artikel dalam Bahasa Inggeris...
Korang tahu tak, buah ni banyak dijual di tempat aku…..hahaha, pasni jomm gi cari buah ni….hehehe
Banyak gak khasiat buah ni kan…tapi sorry laa, artikel ni dalam bahasa inggeris, jadi pandai2 korang lah terjemahkan sendiri err….

Nutritional Value Of Pomelo

Amount of Pomelo: 1 cup

Total Weight of Pomelo: 100 g

Nutrition Benefits Of Eating Pomelo

Though pomelo juice is acidic in nature, it helps in the digestive process of the body, by having an alkaline reaction after digestion.
Pomelo rind contains huge amount of bioflavonoid that can stop the cancer cells from spreading the effect of breast cancer in a patient, by making the body get rid of the excess estrogen.
The high amount of vitamin C present in the body makes the fruit an effective stimulant that facilitates in strengthening and maintaining the elastic nature of the arteries.
Pomelo is also effective against fatigue, diabetes, fever, insomnia, sore throat, stomach and pancreatic cancer and other such infectious diseases.
Pomelo contains pectin which proves to be very effective in reducing the accumulation of arterial deposits in the body, thereby clearing out all the impurities.
Pomelo is also useful in reducing the cholesterol count in the body, thus saving you from running the risk of various heart related problems.
Pomelo can also prove out to be useful for people seeking out weight loss. The fat burning enzyme in pomelo absorbs and reduces the starch and sugar content in the body contributing towards weight loss.
Pomelo is also useful in cleaning the RBCs which are very essential for the body to breathe fresh air. It keeps the RBCs away from all sorts of toxins and impurities.

Cooking Tips

The pulp of the fruit is used in salads, while the peel is used to make candies.
In China, the citrus peel of pomelo is often used for flavoring, especially in a sweet soup dessert.
To prepare the juice, cut the fruit into quarters and peel off the skin. Leave as much rind as possible to get maximum anti-cancer benefits.

Pomelo Nutrient Chart:

11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pomelo

Originally from the Southeast Asian countries, pomelo is the largest among all citrus fruits. It is widely grown in countries like India, China, Japan, Fiji, the Caribbean and USA. Also known as Chinese grapefruit, Bali lemon, lime large, jabong, lusho fruit, pompelmous and shaddock, pomelo is the most exotic citrus fruit that looks like an ancestor to grape fruit. The fruit is capable of adapting to dry climatic conditions and can grow as large as 30 cm in diameter and can weigh up to 25 lb. The pulp of the fruit is found in various colors, ranging from pale yellow to pink or red. The rind is very thick, but soft and easy to peel away and contains all the good nutrients. Pomelo helps in getting rid of diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and other small and big infections. It also helps in flushing out all the impurities and toxic materials from the body. A glass of pomelo juice is sufficient to immune your body against various life threatening health issues. Read on to get enlightened about the health and nutrition benefits of consuming pomelo. Also, check out its nutritional value.

Pomelo Benefits:
The benefits of pomelo fruit are listed below.

1. Prevents Urinary Tract Infection:

Urinary Tract infection is a bacterial infection that affects the urinary system that creates stores and removes urine. Increased consumption of pomelo juice helps to fight this particular frequent swelling in pregnant women. The Vitamin C present in pomelo increases the acid level in urine and shirks the development of bacteria in the urinary tract.

2. Promotes healing:

Wound recovery practise suggests recovering strength of wounded tissue by replacing the dead tissue with a healthy tissue. Enzyme in Vitamin C helps in the development of Collagen, a protein that fortifies skin making it skin flexible and initiating wound recovery.

3. Healthy gums:

Bleeding and loose gums might be a symbol of Vitamin C deficiency. Collagen development is not just essential for skin, but also essential for creating healthy and balanced gums and teeth. Pomelo helps to make the gums stronger and keeps teeth problems at bay.

4. Heart health:

Pomelo has a high content of potassium, which like Vitamin C plays an important role in supporting the heart. This essential mineral regulates blood pressure levels. Abundant in pectin, pomelo juice clears the arterial deposits accumulated in the body, thereby reducing the impurities and benefiting people with hypertension. Pomelo also reduces the cholesterol count in the body and promotes good cholesterol.

5. Prevents anaemia:

Research has shown that Vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron in body. Iron deficiency often leads to anaemia i.e. shortage of blood in body. Having a diet rich in Vitamin C helps to combat iron loss and improves blood circulation.

6. Wards off cold and flu:

Eating fresh pomelo fruit or drinking pomelo juice, can help prevent toxins and free radical cells from building up in the body. Too many free radicals in the body can cause health conditions like cold, flu, asthma, bacterial infection, allergies and so on. Vitamin C is one of the nutrients which stimulates the action of antibodies and immune cells which guard the body against bacteria that cause cold and flu.

7. Fights cancer:

The skin of pomelo is very rich in bioflavonoids which fights cancer and helps to reduce pancreatic, intestinal and breast cancer. It also stops cancer from spreading by enabling the body to eliminate excess oestrogen. Fiber, present in pomelo protects from colon cancer.

8. Fights Anti ageing:

Pomelo, like grapefruits contain spermadine which protect the cell from processes related to ageing and cell damage. It combats wrinkles and skin ageing and makes the skin appear youthful, fair and soft. It not only removes free radicals that harm the skin, but also assists the body to boost the production of collagen.

9. Weight loss:

Fiber is extremely significant for weight loss. Foods high in fiber stays in the stomach for a longer time and reduces regular hunger pangs. They also need more chewing time giving the body longer time to feel satisfied and reducing the risk of too much eating. This fruit also has properties which help to burn the fat reducing the starch and sugar content in the body.

10. Prevents osteoporosis:

Uncontrolled osteoporosis can affect posture, bodily movements as well as flexibility. Treatment for brittle bones calls for a diet rich in calcium and minerals to encourage new bone development. The pulp of pomelo boosts bone health and decreases the potential risk of building brittle bones.

11. Aids digestion:

The high Vitamin C content in pomelo retains the elasticity of arteries and improves the digestive system. Although the food has high ascorbic acid content, it produces an alkaline reaction once digested. Pomelo is filled with dietary fiber which assists in preserving normal bowel motions and avoids haemorrhoids.

Pomelo: 10 Reasons to Enjoy this Fabulous Fruit

Pomelos come in many varieties. The texture, taste, and seediness of each variety is different.

More sweet than sour, with juicy meat and pulp, pomelos are grandfathers to grapefruits. This gentle giant of the citrus family is native to Malaysia and Southeast Asia, but has been introduced to many tropical countries as well as California, Florida and Hawaii of the United States. Also called pulmetto, shaddock, French chadec, Malayan limau besar, Bali lemon, and Chinese grapefruit - I discovered the fruit when a client shared her tree's bounty. The delicious pomelo can enhance a healthy diet. Here are ten reasons why.

1. Taste
Sweet with just a hint of grapefruit-like tang, pomelos are refreshing first thing in the morning or cold from the refrigerator, as a fortifying snack. Its juice can be a tasty addition to sauces, salads, salsas and marinades. The curious mixture of melon-like sweetness with citrus tang makes pomelo juice a welcome addition to many recipes - add a skinless, seedless wedge to flavor your favorite ice tea.

2. Low Calorie and Low Fat
Pomelos have 0% fat and 72 calories per cup/190 grams - a dieter's delight! Most everyone has heard of the Grapefruit Diet, which become popular in Hollywood in the 1930s, and saw another resurgence in the 1970s. Both grapefruit and pomelo contain a fat burning enzyme, which theoretically increases the dieter's success. This fad diet, promoted extremely low calorie intake, and eating grapefruit before every meal.

3. Fiber
While due to its low calorie intake, the Grapefruit Diet is unhealthy, the principle behind eating grapefruits is a sound one. Pomelos, like grapefruits have a fiber content of 8% daily value or DV. The Food and Drug Administration describes DV as percentage of the recommended daily intake for nutrients for adults and children ages 4 and up. Eating such low calorie fiber creates a full feeling in your stomach and you eat less. Eating fiber also keeps your bowels healthy and prevents colon cancer.

4. Vitamin C
Citrus fruit burgeon with vitamin C, and the pomelo is no exception. Pomelo provides 193% DV of Vitamin C. Recent studies have shown Vitamin C strengthens your immune system when it weakens due to stress. And although Vitamin C can not cure the common cold, it can prevent you from developing additional cold complications such as lung infections or pneumonia. Persons with a higher concentration of vitamin C in their blood have a 42% lower risk of developing a stroke. Vitamin C has been shown to aid in macular degeneration, inflamation, cancer and cardiovascular deterioration.

5. Heart Health
Pomelos have 410 mg of potassium per serving, which like Vitamin C plays a role in supporting the heart. There is no DV for potassium but 4700 mg per day is considered adequate. This essential mineral regulates blood pressure levels. Abundant with pectin, pomelo juice is capable of clearing the arterial deposits accumulated in the body, thereby reducing the impurities and benefitting people with hypertension. People on blood thinning, kidney and other medications need to use caution when eating potassium rich foods like pomelos, as it can have a negative impact and serous health complications.

6. Cancer Fighter
The Chinese use the pomelo rind in many dishes. The skin of the fruit is very rich in bioflavonoids. This property is helpful in reducing pancreatic, intestinal and breast cancer. In fact, it stops cancerous cells from spreading further. Pomelo rind contains rich bioflavonoids that help in fighting against cancer cells. It prevents the spread of breast cancer cells especially by enabling the body to eliminate excess estrogen.

7. Antioxidents
Most notable, pomelos are loaded with antioxidants that are believed to help slow down the aging process and protect against some diseases - including heart disease and cancer - as they help rid the body of free radicals.

8. Anti-aging
Grapefruits and likely pomelos are the only known fruits containing spermadine, which is also found in human sperm. A laboratory-based study found spermidine to protect cells from processes related to aging and cell damage. In the study spermadine increased the lifespan of flies, blood cells, yeast and worms. Spermadine introduced to the blood cells of white mice protected them from particular types of cell damage, but their lifespans were not reported. (See the link below for more information on this study.)

9. Medicine
When chewed slowly, the pomelo is said to cure hangovers. In Malasia and Filipines, a lotion made from the pomelo plants leaves is used to alleviate sores and swellings. The Filipinos also use it as a sedative for nerves. The Chinese use the entire plant to make medications that cure coughs, car sickness and indigestion. A paste of pomelo rind and ginger can be applied to joints to ease arthritic pain.1

!0. Availability and Storage
Pomelos are available at most Asian or Latin American markets throughout the year. Choose firm, heavy fruits. Blemishes on the skin are okay. Soft, dull-skinned pomelos that leave an imprint when squeezed or those that appear dried-out on the stem should be avoided.Pomelos keep for a week in the refrigerator, or for a few days left at room temperature. Freeze their juice in ice cube trays to keep for longer periods and to add a citrus zest to recipes.

Ni plak ada resepi Limau Bali ni....

Yum Som-O is a refreshing Thai salad.

Yum Som-O (Spicy Pomelo Salad with Shrimp and Coconut Flakes)

Salad Ingredients
350g/2c pomelo meat
12g/1/2c peeled, cooked prawns, sliced (optional)
35g/1/4c roasted ground peanuts
35g/1/4c roasted grated coconut
5g/1 Tbsp fried sliced shallots
1 tsp/ 1 medium red chili thinly sliced
1 tsp/ 4 thinly sliced kaffir lime leaves
Spicy Sauce Ingredients
1 roasted dried red chili
80g/1c roasted dried ground shrimp
100g/11/3c roasted shallot, sliced
60g/3 Tbsp palm or brown sugar
45 ml/3 Tbsp fish sauce
45 ml/ 3 Tbsp tamarind juice

Mix all ingredients of the salad except the red chili and kaffir lime leaves. Pound or blend all dry ingredients of the sauce until thoroughly ground. Add fish sauce and tamarind juice and boil until thick. Cool. Pour sauce on the salad and mix well. Put in a dish and garnish with sliced red chili peppers and kaffir lime leaves.

Sumber:, Copyright @YogaKat

Posted by: Ana Solehahdunia Ilhamku ~ 6 Oktober 2013, 10:00am.

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